简介:本系所設立宗旨為「關懷民眾健康、創新健康產業、培養卓越人才」,與設校宗旨(教學前瞻化、卓越化;研究本土化、國際化;服務社區化、優質化)相符,期能創造成為國際化一流綜合型大學。 「健康暨醫務管理學系」之設立,係依照本校之辦學宗旨並迎合世界衛生組織積極推動「全民生理、心理與社會健康」之理念,順應我國及國際衛生體系的發展,以及健康照護體系的完整性與持續性,配合國家衛生政策規劃、健康產業發展、醫療衛生機構管理之需求,培養優秀健康照護人才,滿足國人從幼到老不斷高漲的健康照護需求,並進行健康照護研究及與健康照護機構合作,以達到兼具教學、研究與服務之校務發展目標。
The missions of the department are caring the people health, innovating the health care industries, and nurturing the excellent leader, as well as the motto of the school— Health, Care, Innovation, Excellence. The establishment and development of the colleges aim to adhere to the principles of technology integration and resource sharing. Following the WHO perspectives in physical, psycho and social well-being, the department would focus on the integrity of, the development of national and international healthcare systems and the design of health policy in the need of the healthcare industry and healthcare organizations to train the best personnel for the need. Furthermore, to satisfy the increasing need in the long term care and to cooperate with other academic research and healthcare organizations, the educational goal is to pursue knowledge and skills, and to combine theory with practice.
The department offers degrees at both the Master and Doctoral levels as well as undergraduate. The Master degree is a professional degree for students wishing to pursue management careers in healthcare systems, hospitals, consulting firms, managed care organizations, insurance firms, medical group practices, government agencies and other healthcare settings. The degree is designed to provide strong preparation in the management disciplines.
The doctoral program is designed to provide students with the competencies they need for successful careers. As a result of our program, students develop scholarly expertise, rigorous research skills, confidence in their teaching in academic areas.