Introduction: 本系依照創意設計學院之總體目標並結合校務發展計畫擬定本系的宗旨為:培育富有多元思考、藝術創意、人文素養、科技創新、設計專業知識與國際同步的全方位設計人才。
The department established in 2007. The aim of this department is to cultivate students into a designer who has creative thinking and highly aware of the advantage of technology.
The department of Visual communication started from craft art, applied art, commercial design until recently - graphic design. Thus, this department comprised of various course and different area of design.
The coming of digital communication is not only changing the way we live but also the way we communicating. As designer, we also follow this trend. Through all senses, e.g. sounds and body gesture, to observe and comprehend the change of this society. In order to fulfill the change of technology, this department developed some courses such as: basic design, design theory, and media design. We hope those courses can improve students' abilities to learn the art of visual communication and design effective artworks to communicate people in the world.