大四學生,研究所學生和有照諮商心理師,共750 名樣本作為本研究之受試者。在預
Counselor trainees’leadership competence measurement for performing group leader skills in
counselor training groups can be helpful to group work, group research and counselor training.
The research aims to develop an instrument which measures counselor trainees’competence
for performing group leader skills in group trainings. Foundation of the Leadership
Competence Rating Scale mainly based on researchers’previous research findings, counselor
training practices, and literature reviews. Expertise will be used to evaluate each item of the
scale based on a constructive model for content validity. There will be three trainers who
teach group counseling practice courses in the universities, and three certified counselors with
doctoral degree and minimum of three years of working experiences. 750 subjects, including
seniors, graduate students and certified counselors, will be intentionally selected for the
research. The internal consistency and item discrimination of the tentative scale will be tested
through calculation of Cronbach’s alpha and t-test by using scores of extreme groups. Low
discrimination and low internal consistency items will be eliminated. Remained items will be
studied for the validity and reliability of the scale. Validity of the scale will be tested by factor
analysis, criterion-related validity will be calculated by Pearson’s product-moment correlation
to test the correlation between the scale and GLSI. Pearson’s product-moment correlation
coefficient will be also calculated to yield the scores for the test-retest reliability, and
split-half reliability will be calculated and corrected by Spearman-Brown prophecy formula.
Finally, mean scores and standard deviations in each group of three levels will be presented to
instructors, trainers and employers, it serves as a referenced region for the lowest leadership
competency when they make decision on the lowest scores of the leadership competence of a
student or an employee.