Abstract: | 近年來,早產兒的存活率已有十分顯著的提升, 在台灣每年約有8-10 % 左右的新生兒為早產或出生體重不足. 當越來越多的早產兒存活的同時,也有越來越多的母親面臨被迫與他們的新生嬰兒分離的情境. 成為母親不僅被認為是為一種困難的情感與身體的經歷(Belsky, 1984; Aradine & Ferketich, 1990;),也被視為一發展的過程或者生命的過度期(Osofsky, 1982),嬰兒的早產勢必添加額外的壓力讓此危機更錯綜複雜.無庸置疑的,所有的低出生體重的早產兒的母親都面臨相當大的挑戰.除此之外,在台灣的文化傳統下,女性產後坐月子的習俗,都將更一步的加重了這些挑戰. 然而,我們對於台灣母親早產經驗了解,卻仍然是非常有限的. 母親的社會支持系統為影響母職經驗的重要因素.有鑑於此,本研究的主要目的為探討台灣早產母親坐月子期間而其嬰兒住院時的社會支持系統.本研究將採用質性研究的紮根理論(grounded theory)研究法,透過深入訪談和參與性觀察極低出生體重早產兒(出生體重<1500 公克)的母親,來深入了解台灣早產兒母親的坐月子經驗及社會支持系統. 在紮根理論研究法原則下,以理論性取樣來進行資料收集,並採用開放,軸向及選擇性方式譯碼,及持續不斷的比較法進行資料的分析,深入探討究竟在台灣特有的文化下,早產母親在坐月子期間的社會脈絡及社會支持的來源及內涵為何,期望能建立一個可以完整描述台灣早產母親坐月子期間的社會支持系統的理論,協助健康照護專業人員提供更有效率的照護措施.
Significant improvements have occurred in the survival rates of small preterm infants. Every year about 8-10 % of all babies in Taiwan are born preterm or/and of low-birth-weight. As more and more infants survive their preterm birth, the isolation of parents from their infants has concurrently increased. Clearly, the birth of very-low-birth-weight (VLBW) preterm infants poses considerable challenges for all mothers. However, in Taiwan, women are traditionally required to practise the cultural ritual (Zuo Yue Zi), which includes confinement to the house with a special balanced diet for the first month of the postnatal period, compounding these challenges. Further there is a deficit of information detailing mothers’ experiences when their preterm infants are in neonatal intensive care units (NICU).
This present study aims to provide a comprehensive conceptual model, which will fully illustrate Taiwanese mothers’ social support system while practicing the cultural ritual (Zuo Yue Zi) with their preterm infants are hospitalised. It is undertaken in an attempt to develop a theoretical underpinning, which could contribute to the knowledge base of healthcare professionals, and enable them to optimise effective care. A qualitative research approach, grounded theory, will be used in this study to enhance the understanding of these experiences. In-depth interviews and participant observations will be conducted with mothers to gain insight into the experience. In keeping with the tenets of grounded theory, theoretical sampling will be used together with the constant comparative method of data collection and analysis in addition to open, axial, and selective coding. |