計算兩組符號排列間反轉距離的問題在近十年引起計算分子生物學對於基因重組問題的重視。給定兩個基因組,為含有相同元素的符號排列,找出一組排列藉由一連串反轉後,轉變成另一組排列所需的最少反轉次數。我們提出新的演算法,不需要複雜的結構,對兩組具有相同元素個數的符號排列做反轉排序。Computing reversal distance of two signed permutations has given rise to computational molecular biology with regard to genome rearrangement in the recent decade. Given two genomes represented as signed permutations of the same elements, the problem consists in finding the minimum number of reversals that transforms one genome into the other. In this paper we present a new algorithm for the problem of sorting signed permutations by reversals without complex construction.