The Airline Crew Pairing Problem (ACPP) which consists of finding crew itineraries and satisfying the related law and regulation constraints is a significantly economic challenge. And many efforts have been spent by airline industry in the search for efficient and effective solutions. Instead of using the traditional set partitioning model, a different view is adopted here to model the crewing problem and formulate it with a set of combinational optimization equations. In general, there are two phases in crew pairing, such as pairing generation and pairing optimization to be solved. A method of inequality-based multiobjective genetic algorithm (MMGA) is used here to provide the solution and solve them at the same time. Besides, with the Method of Inequalities (MOI), designers can configure the ranges of solutions by adjusting an auxiliary vector of performance indices. In practice, the proposed MMGA approach possesses the merits of global exploration and can provide several optimal or feasible solutions to help planners perform efficient and effective decision-making.飛航組員之配對問題包含了搜尋組員的排程路線及配合相關的法律及規範限制。此一問題牽涉到相當大的飛航經濟成本,許多航空公司一直花費許多的人力、財力,尋求經濟及有效的解決方案。有別於傳統所使用的集合-分割方式,本論文採用不同的觀點建立配對模型並將此問題轉換成組合最佳化之問題。