本文提出一個對於二維區間內閒置空間定位問題的快速演算法。給定一個固定大小的二維區間,區間內有多個大小不一的矩形以不重疊但相連方式擺放其中,本論文討論如何找出此二維區間內所有矩形以外之閒置空間的位置及形狀。在實驗結果中我們將利用一個測試例子來加以驗證所提演算法。In this paper, an efficient algorithm for 2D dead space identification problem is proposed. Given a 2D region of fixed area, many rectangles of various dimensions are placed inside with non-overlapped but connected each other. A novel approach is proposed to identify the location and shape of each dead space, which is a region existed among rectangles. In the experiment, an example with 100 rectangles is used to certify the proposed algorithm.