本研究目的是為台灣大學生編製「校園同性戀態度與刻板印象量表-長版」(26題)、「校園同性戀態度與刻板印象量表-短版」(15 題),以瞭解台灣大學生對同志的態度,並考驗量表信效度、理論架構、性別間的結構恆等性。原始量表「校園同性戀態度與刻板印象量表」(47 題)是由Suen 於 2011 年所開發。經本研究採探索性因素分析後,根據 EFA 的刪題標準,將題目刪除至 26 題,再通過刪除對卡方值影響比較大的題目,最後得到 15 題之短版量表。本研究之研究對象共 1,618 人,男性 781 人,女性 832 人。量表共三個層面,分別是「對同性戀的積極評價」、「對同性戀的接納程度」和「對同性戀的熟悉程度」。「校園同性戀態度與刻板印象量表-長版」(26 題)與「校園同性戀態度與刻板印象量表-短版」(15 題)題目形式均採 Likert 七點量表 (1 代表一點也不同意, 7 代表非常同意),本研究使用 C-A-B 態度模型做為理論架構,開發「校園同性戀態度與刻板印象量表-長版」(26 題)與「校園同性戀態度與刻板印象量
表-短版」, 為台灣大學生提供具有信效度的測量工具。
The purpose of this study is to develop the homosexuality attitude and stereotype scale-long form (HAS-LF; 26 items), homosexuality attitude and stereotype scale short form (HAS-SF; 15 items) for Taiwan university students and to verify reliability, validity, theoretical framework and structure invariance between male and female groups. The original HAS scale (47 items) is developed by Suen (2011). A sample of 1,613 university students was selected for the specific analysis of this study. The HAS-LF consists of 26 7-point Likert-typed items, three subscales are Positive evaluation of homosexuality (6 items), Acceptance of homosexuality (13 items) and Familiarity with homosexuality (7 items); The HAS-SF consists of 15 4-point Likert type items and each sub-scale consists of 5 items. All items of the HAS-LF (26 items) and HAS-SF (15 items) are divided into 3 dimensions, which are the positive evaluation of homosexuality, acceptance of homosexuality and familiarity with homosexuality. The development of the HAS-LF (26 items) and HAS-SF (15 items) using a Cognition-Affect-Behavior model (C-A-B model) of attitude as the theoretical framework has resulted in a robust and valid instrument to measure HAS-SF for the university students in Taiwan.