The purposes of this study were to investigate the elementary school pupils’ environmental knowledge, attitude and behavior, and to discuss the influence of the program of environmental issues on elementary school pupils’ environmental knowledge , attitude and behavior. The study includes 2 classes of 5th graders from LuYing elementary school in Tainan County. Following survey research and quasi-experimental rubrics, one class (30 students) is assigned to experimental group, the other class (30 students) is assigned to control group . And then statistically analyzed the data. The results indicate that: (1) Two demographic factors such as gender, family socioeconomic status didn’t effect the performance of the environmental knowledge, attitude and behavior. (2) After the teaching of the environmental issues program, there were significant differences on experimental group students' environmental knowledge and attitude . (3) There was positive correlation between the pupil’s environmental knowledge and attitude. This study makes suggestions for environmental education curriculum and the relevant studies in the future.