Since 1995, National Health Insurance Policy has been established in Taiwan which brings in an overall medical environment change. To confront with the operational difficulties brought up by these changes, managers in hospitals have adaptively tried to adjust their operational strategies in accordance with the hospital’s existing conditions such as strategic alliance, outsourcing, chain management, and inter-organizational relationship management. Their goal is to continuously develop and survive within the changing environment. By using the qualitative depth interview and participant observation research methods, this study adopted minimal invasive surgery center of S regional hospital in Taiwan as the case for study. The goal of this study is to explore the inter-organizational learning and knowledge transferring mechanisms, and possible issues generated. In accordance with the analytical results, the authors induced three constructs: knowledge transferring mechanism, learning disorders, and learning effects of inter-organization. In short, it summarized the knowledge transferring mechanism developed by S hospital during inter-organizational learning, issues confronted, and described on inter-organizational learning effects.