本研究主要目的在探討職業軍官個人屬性、工作壓力、與工作滿足等變數之間的關聯性,期望能透過本研究結果,對職業軍官的工作滿足有一概略瞭解,以做為職業軍官人力資源策略規畫的參考。整體來說,職業軍官的工作壓力與工作滿足成負相關,但由於職業軍官同質性很高,因此在工作壓力與工作滿足的很多構面上,不同特性的職業軍官之間,並無顯著性的差異。只不過其中在薪水的滿足上,大學以上者比專科以下者低,在角色模糊方面,從事管理性質工作者比非管理性質者低。另外就工作滿足與工作壓力之間的關係,少校與其他職等不同;年資在6-10年與其他年資的職業軍官也有不同。This study tries to explore the relationship among individual characteristics, job stress, and job satisfaction of career military officers. The objective of this research is to gain a basic understanding regarding career military officers' job satisfaction. Results of the study could be useful in human resource planning for career military officers. Overall,a negative relationship exists between job stress and job satisfaction for career military officers. However, no significant differences were found for most of the components of job stress and job satisfaction between different groups of career military officers. The reason is probably the homogeneity of career military officers in many aspects. Nevertheless, satisfactory toward salary is significantly different between career military officers with college degrees and those without college degrees. Role ambiguity is lower for career military officers with management duties. In addition, the relationship between job stress and job satisfaction is different between majors and other ranks of officers. The relationship is also different between officers with 6 to 10 service years and those with other service years.