本計畫的目的是建置無所不在的學習情境,供位居台中縣霧峰鄉之偏鄉小學學童進行學習落差診斷,以及進行學習者分群,依其學習落差屬性分組。同時,將位於台中縣霧峰鄉921 地震教育園區(Earthquake Museum of Taiwan)及大里市台中兒童藝術館(Taichung County Children’s Art Museum)作為數位教學實驗場所,根據其展覽教學內容特性,分為自然科學類,以及人文藝術類。針對每位實驗學童建立個人學習資料檔案,以及個人學習歷程檔案,依其學習落差屬性,分別前往921 地震教育園區或台中兒童藝術館進行施測及學習,並透過學習模式探勘,找出個人化之學習落差分析,並且提供每個學童個人化及適性化之學習教材與輔助,以期縮短偏鄉學童之學習落差。此研究計畫所得之結果,不僅適用於本研究施測學童,亦可提供於全國類似個案之參考。
The objective of this project is to construct a U-Learning environment for the digital learning divide diagnosis of the elementary school students at the rural areas of Wufeng, Taichung County. Therefore, the students are categorized into two testing groups according to their learning divide analysis results. Meanwhile, the Earthquake Museum of Taiwan located at Wufeng, and Taichung County Children’s Art Museum located at Ta-Li City, Taichung County are selected as the places to construct two types of U-Learning environments, one for Natural Sciences learning divide, and the other for Human Science and Art learning divide respectively. The learning environment type designation is according to the category of the contents exhibited in the museum. In this project, the e-learning profile and e-portfolio are created for each tested student. In addition, those students are brought to different museums depends on their learning divide characteristics. Hence, the personalized and adaptive teaching and learning materials could be provided to the students depend on their learning analysis results. Eventually, the outcome of this project could bridge the rural-urban learning divide for the students in rural areas. The results of this project are not only applicable to the project study case, but also for the similar cases in other areas with digital learning divide in Taiwan.