本計畫的目的以位居台中市的國立自然科學博物館為研究實驗場所,建置一套U 化博
物館適性學習導覽服務的環境。首先,本研究就將針對U 化博物館的適性學習情境的
過學習者學習行為及學習特性探勘,將所得結果作為調整U 化博物館適性學習服務模
入U 化適性導覽學習服務環境建置之參考
The objective of this research project is to construct adaptive U-Learning navigation services
in the National Museum of Natural Sciences which is located in Taichung City. The
preliminary analysis on the design of U-Learning environment in the museum has been done
to obtain the types of learning services the U-Museum could provide and the characteristics
of the U-Museum learning navigation services. In order to deliver adaptive learning
navigation services, a Learner Information Management Framework (LIMF) is constructed
to manage and manipulate the information between the learner and museum learning
resources. In this research project, the e-learning profile and e-portfolio are created for
each student participating in the research experiments. In addition, the learning portfolios of
those students are collected to do the learning behavior and learning characteristic mining,
and therefore the analyzed results could be employed to adjust the U-Museum learning
navigation model. Hence, the personalized and adaptive teaching and learning materials
could be provided to the students depend on their learning status and learning styles.
Moreover, the outcome of this project could also used to bridge the rural-urban learning
divide for the students in rural areas. The research results of this project are not only
applicable to the study case, but also for the other museums in Taiwan. 本計畫的目的以位居台中市的國立自然科學博物館為研究實驗場所,建置一套U 化博 物館適性學習導覽服務的環境。首先,本研究就將針對U 化博物館的適性學習情境的 設計及學習導覽服務的特性進行分析,進而瞭解博物館之無所不在學習導覽環境之佈 局建置重點。為了能提供適性化學習導覽服務,本研究計畫將建立一套學習者資源管 理系統架構,以利管理及操作運算學習者資料及博物館學習資源間的資訊。本研究針 對每位實驗學童亦建立個人學習者資料檔案,以及個人學習歷程檔案,並且在學習者 於此實驗場境進行學習的過程中,將這些學習者資料及學習歷程資料進行蒐集,並透 過學習者學習行為及學習特性探勘,將所得結果作為調整U 化博物館適性學習服務模 式之依據。本研究之學習導覽服務,亦可應用於個人化之學習落差分析,並且提供每 個學童個人化及適性化之學習教材與輔助,藉以縮短偏鄉學童之數位學習落差。此研 究計畫所得之結果,將不僅適用於本研究個案博物館,亦可提供於全國其他博物館導 入U 化適性導覽學習服務環境建置之參考。
The objective of this research project is to construct adaptive U-Learning navigation services in the National Museum of Natural Sciences which is located in Taichung City. The preliminary analysis on the design of U-Learning environment in the museum has been done to obtain the types of learning services the U-Museum could provide and the characteristics of the U-Museum learning navigation services. In order to deliver adaptive learning navigation services, a Learner Information Management Framework (LIMF) is constructed to manage and manipulate the information between the learner and museum learning resources. In this research project, the e-learning profile and e-portfolio are created for each student participating in the research experiments. In addition, the learning portfolios of those students are collected to do the learning behavior and learning characteristic mining, and therefore the analyzed results could be employed to adjust the U-Museum learning navigation model. Hence, the personalized and adaptive teaching and learning materials could be provided to the students depend on their learning status and learning styles. Moreover, the outcome of this project could also used to bridge the rural-urban learning divide for the students in rural areas. The research results of this project are not only applicable to the study case, but also for the other museums in Taiwan.