There are a lot of rapid advances in science and technology nowadays. If wecannotkeep up with the pulse of the times,we will inevitably fall into the whirlpool eraand cannot upstream.
Tablet PCs and smart phones offer us good learning tools, and the QR Code application is increasingly popularin propaganda, products, packaging and mobile tour guide.Therefore,this study proposes anaction-learning systemwhich utilizes mobile device identification function from QR Code. We can quickly link to the web browser and get information with the advantage of QR Code.It is convenient to learn outside of the classroom. In addition, in order to achieve effective learning goals, it is easier to set syllabuses according to learners’ability.
At the end of the study, learners in the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) were requested to make out questionnaires about their satisfaction. Finally,suggestions for teaching and future studies, based on the results of this research are discussed.