1. 檢討代間交換之相互性
2. 從戶基護航網絡之變化檢討家庭功能是否有衰退現象?
3. 確定戶基護航網絡確實存有Latent structure,可反應family structure 之life cycle
4. 應用代間連帶模式,完整呈現臺灣家庭成年子女(G2)與父母代間的關聯、規範、情感、功能等各連帶
5. 分析代間「機會」與「需求」架構、代間「認知層面」與「行為層面」之關係,建構代間連帶模式
6. 分析台灣家庭之代間連帶模式是否因(G2)性別造成差異
7. 探討戶基護航網絡與代間連帶兩者理論上的相似性與差異性對代間交換之影響上述成果兼具政策與理論涵意。
This Project will investigate status quo and 5-years changes of intergenerational support exchanges from the perspectives of a household based convoy and solidarity. In a two-year period, it is expected to complete following objects:
1. To re-examine the reciprocity of intergenerational support exchanges.
2. To re-examine the paradox of family decline from the perspective of a household-based convoy.
3. To confirm if there is a latent family structure among subtypes of household-based convoy.
4. To study intergenerational relationship basing on intergenerational solidarity theory.
5. To analyze the gender difference in intergenerational relationship.
6. To discuss the similarity and dissimilarity between the effect of a household-based convoyand solidarity or intergenerational exchanges.
The discussions stated above have both policy and theoretical implications.