智能的品質除了靠遺傳以外,最重要的就是要靠後天的啟發。如何開發幼兒的智能是大家的責任,尤其是父母與老師。本文的主旨,就是在探討如何激發幼兒的智能,並進而能輔導幼兒達成。幼兒的腦神經鍵是關係知能高低之主因。腦神經鍵就像是一種聯絡的網路,越密、越多、越粗,腦筋在運作時就會比較靈敏,智能也就愈高。幼兒平日的環境刺激,是一種滋補神經鍵的營養品。感覺器官若能接收適度的外來刺激,其神經鍵必能不斷增長,進而提昇其知能。因此有人說環境刺激是人類知能的維他命。幼兒期的孩子若缺乏此種維他命,其知能將顯得非常貧乏。文中共探討了多種管道,用以激發幼兒的知能,提供為人父母及教師者參考。幼兒期是人生學習的敏感期,吾人只要用一點點的力量,以四兩撥千金之勢就可以獲得無限的效果。 The intellectual abilities come from heredity and environment. To initiate the child’s intellectual abilities is our responsibilities, especially the parents and teachers. The purpose of this article is to research how to initiate and guide the young children about their intellectual abilities. The synapse of human beings is related to the intellectual abilities. It is the same with the network. If a child’s synapses are dense, rich, and thick, He or she will be full of intellectual abilities and can operate his or her brain speedily. The environmental stimulation, it is said, is a kind of vitamin for the intellectual abilities. If a man’s sense organ can receive rich environmental stimulation from the outer world, he will enrich his intellectual abilities. In other words, if a child cannot get the appropriate environmental stimulation, he or she will be poor in his or her intellectual abilities. In this article, there are six ways for the parents and teachers to initiate and guide young children that abilities. The period of young childhood is a very sensitive time, if we know the ways, it is very easy to reach that objective, what we need to educate them is just with a little power. Therefore, to educate the young children is very important and valuably.