This paper focuses on teachers facing controversies due to environmental protection,when they visit a leisure hotel. Specifically, how as a consumer, a teacher’s moral intensity and moral philosophy affects the ethical decision-making process.
This paper discusses hotel’s environmental ethics in simulated situation.There are three major points, they are personal moral philosophy and subject-matter moral intensity and how they affects the ethical decision-making process.
based on 253 valid questionnaires revealed from Kaohsuing City teachers , we get at the following conclusions:
1. The moral intensity of environmental ethics can be divided into twomajor facets, which are "potential
damage” and "validity andthe levelof influence."
2. Significantly positive correlation between the "potentialdamage” inmoral intensity of environmental
ethics and moral perception; thecorrelation between “validity and the level of influence” and moral
judgment being positive as well.
3. The personal idealism in personal philosophy having positive influenceon the subject-matter moral
intensity’s “potential damage” and moralstrategic decision’s “moral perception”.
4.Relativism in personal philosophy substantially affecting the “validityand the level of influence”of
subject-matter moral intensity as well as the“moral intention” of moral strategic decision in a
negative matter.
5. The personal moral decision-making process at all stages: the moretime teachers are given to perceive
moral issues, the more likely theyare to develop moral judgment. This in turn makes teachers’
behavior and intentions more likely to lean towards higher level of ethicalstandards.