台灣到了九0年代中期以後,現實的震盪引起人們思緒的翻騰。「詩人所為何事?」是詩人在這樣的時空下存在的探問。詩的「生命感」變成「有心」詩人自我的鞭策。但現實的關照,並非將詩變成陳情書。詩是透過語言比喻系統的產物,而不是目的論的吶喊。詩人的書寫必須面對現實,但卻拒絕成為現實的工具。面對現實而能展現想像力是詩人創造力極嚴苛的檢驗。一方面,詩人必須避免文字的「說明性」以免將詩淪為散文,另一方面,詩人在避免「言說」的過程中,又要展現與現實唇齒相依的生命力。本文將以當前台灣的島國認同、政治情境、經濟狀況、文化歷史歸屬、與生活空間定位等面向,檢視有創意的詩人如何以比喻與意象展現生活空間。 Tumultuous Reality since mid-90s in Taiwan have ruffled people’s mind. “What are poets for?” becomes an ontological question for those poets and cultivated consciousness of life-sense in writings becomes a required aim for the poet-self. But being concerned with reality doesn’t mean to reduce writings to be works of prosaic petition. Poetry comes to its being through figurative system; therefore, confronted with reality, poetry cannot be degraded into merely teleological outcries. Poets face reality and yet refuse to become its tool. Poets test their creativity by imparting imagination into their living apprehension of the world. On the one hand, the poets have to steer writings away from the course of “discursiveness” to maintain its poetical quality; on the other hand, while avoiding “discursiveness,” they still have to uphold a life force in their dedicated relationship with reality. This paper will examine how the poets visualize the surrounding world with images to reveal figuratively the concept of country and home, the political and economic states, the racial conflicts, the cultural and historical propensities, and the living space of the present time.