本文藉由對組織發展、歷程諮詢模式、臨床研究的檢視與反思,來標註顧問或者研究者在臨床研究與實務中難免介入個人價值意識的事實,主張透過這種人我之間的協同與辯證歷程,進行一種暫名「涉入型臨床研究」的基進研究。接著,基於所擇定的研究典範來檢視攸關的幾條不同研究路線,並以自身在臨床研究的探究經驗為本,來探究本體論信念的轉向,並揚棄所有權的觀念,重新賦予研究者、協同成員積極參與文化論述的正當性,從而發展一個「以次文化遭逢為軸線的研究設計」之芻議,以期能略為填補涉入型臨床研究的缺口。By reviewing and reflecting on Schein's works on process consultation and clinical perspective in field work, this article notes and tries to deal with the facts of self-involvement of an organization development practitioner. The authors choose the perspective of praxis-oriented philosophy to reflect the field works of others and their own. And through the discussion on issues of who and how to owns the organization, they argue that not only the founders and executives, but the laborers, managers and even also outsiders might have the right to discourse on the living culture. Therefore, researchers/practitioners and collaborators regain their proper roles to involve themselves into the OD practice. Furthermore, they elaborate a sub-cultural encounter process as an inquiry method to initiate those radical change/improvement in cultural beliefs.