民國95年間於台中縣大坑、嘉義縣阿里山鄉、屏東縣高樹鄉、高雄縣美濃鎮及花蓮縣鳳林鎮等地種植之檳榔藥片上發生褐化壞疽病斑,病斑周圍伴有黃暈,病斑隨著葉脈擴散呈不規則形,由柯霍氏法則、生理生化、Biolog鑑定及脂肪酸組成分析結果顯不供試檳榔病原菌株?Burkholderia andropogonis,進一步應用對B. andropogonis具有專一性之引子對進行PCR反應,結果由該病原菌可增幅出410bp之專一性DNA條帶,並且以16S rDNA進行定序與鑑定,確認該病原菌?B. andropogonis,由其引起之病徵定名?檳榔葉斑病(bacterial leaf spot of betel palm)。以市售12種藥劑測試在一般使用濃度下對該病菌生長之抑制效果,顯示12種藥劑均能抑制病原菌於PDA培養基上的生長,其中又以四環黴素效果最佳,依其抑制效果依序?四環黴素、歐索林酸、嘉賜黴素、嘉賜銅、氫氧化銅、鏈四環黴素、多保鏈黴素、三元硫酸銅、鋅錳乃浦、鏈黴素、鹼性氯氧化銅及鋅錳滅達樂等。
In 2006, a leaf spot disease was found on betel polio in several locations in Taiwan. The infected leaves showed irregular brown necrotic spots surrounded by yellowish halo. A grain negative, rod shaped bacterium was consistently isolated front the diseased tissues. The bacterium was identified as Burkholderia andropogonis based on its physiological characteristics, the Biolog GN MicroPlate system, the MIS system for cellular fatty acid analysis. polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with a pair of primers specific for B. andropogonis, 16S rDNA sequence and pathogenicity tests. In vitro screening for the efficacy of different agrochemicals to inhibit bacterial growth on PDA plates showed that all tested chemicals, including copper bactericides, antibiotics, oxolinic acid, and carbamates. were effective. Among them, tetracycline was most effective.