本論文設計與提出一Web2.0 為基礎之即時互動狀況感知照護服務平台(Web2.0-based Realtime Interactive Situation-aware patient-care servicE platform, W-RISE),提供病患安全健康照護及即時互動服務。本系統為三階式(3-tier)架構,分別由使用者端(Clients)、Web2.0醫療資訊伺服器(Web2.0-based Health Information Server) 與醫療資訊資料庫(Clinical Information Database)三部分所組成。W-RISE 整合多層網路,包括身理訊號感測網路(Body Sensor Network, BSN)、個人區域網路(Personal Area Network, PAN) 、無線網路(Wireless Local Area Network, WLAN)與行動通訊網路(Mobile Communication Networks)外,亦提供使用者遠端照護服務、互動式部落格服務、即時醫囑資訊、可攜式病歷、多媒體網路服務、同步資料服務等。而所傳遞之相關資料採用HL-7 協定進行儲存,因此可以與其他相關之醫療資訊系統相互銜接,可使醫護人員可透過W-RISE 服務平台掌握病患之最新狀態與生理訊息,一旦發生緊急狀況時醫護人員可給予病患最即時之協助以輔助並保護病患之生命安全。This study designs and proposes a Web2.0-based Realtime Interactive Situation-aware patient-care servicE platform (W-RISE), which assists doctors or nurses to monitor patient’s philological information over sensors. W-RISE is a 3-tier architecture that is composed of clients, the Web2.0-based Health Information Server,and the Clinical Information Database. Users interact with W-RISE using handheld devices over heterogeneous networks,including body sensor networks (BSN), wireless local area networks (WLAN), and mobile communication networks. The application-layered Somecast service will be triggered by extraordinary physiological and clinical information. All of the messages of the proposed system are based on the HL7 protocol. It can quickly support medical treatment and is compatible for all related informatics systems.