To make wireless sensor network more suitable in practical use, researchers
have to develop an efficient method to ensure secure data transmission through sensor
nodes. Since sensor nodes do not have good computational ability, it is hard to be applied
in complex computations, such as exponential computation to design a key management
scheme. Therefore, the existing key management schemes in sensor networks usually
employ the method of random key pre-distribution to achieve the security of communications
and reduce the overheads of computations and storage. However, random key
pre-distribution method has a drawback that any pair of sensor nodes cannot guarantee
to hold the same shared key to construct a secure channel in between. In this paper, we
are going to propose a novel key agreement scheme which can ensure that any pair of
node can securely negotiate one session key. Furthermore, the required computational
overheads are acceptable because the scheme is based on Bilinear Pairing and Gap DiffieHellman
Group. As a result, our scheme is more suitable for being applied in wireless
sensor networks.
International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control