生態旅遊強調獨特的自然與文化及深度體驗自然生態,頗俱生態教育功能。然而,為了解濕地環境及其相關保育計畫與措施受到生態旅遊經營影響,有必要探求其造成環境衝擊之可能因子,例如實質環境面(水源、土壤、污染、經營管理等),生物生態面(植物、動物等),及視覺景觀面(物理性、知覺性等)。環境衝擊層面相當廣而因子也錯綜複雜,有必要選取一個有系統之科學方法來定義之,故本研究中擬用「德爾菲法」,以相關專家群以匿名的書面往返方式及多回合之問卷意見交換,及「層級分析法」以透過數學模式計算出各層級中每一個要素之權重值。經問卷評估結果顯示專家在實質環境面多憂慮工業對濕地之影響,由於台灣地狹人稠,經常自然與人為空間交錯,且緩衝帶小,濕地環境是相當容易受到高污染之工業破壞的。其他如外來非法傾倒廢土、外來物種的入侵、棲地的切割和零碎化造成棲地連結度不佳及侵犯改變當地人民的生活空間而失去原鄉特色也是衝擊之主要因子。本研究並評估各因子相對之衝擊權重,以利提供未來執行生態旅遊規劃所必須注意及避免的事項之優先順序考量。Ecotourism emphasizes deep experiences about unique nature as well as ambient culture which are quite educational in ecology. Nevertheless, in order to understand the influence to wetlands as well as the relevant restoration plans on it induced by improper management of ecotourism, it is necessary to seek the possible factors such as in environmental scenario, ecological scenario and landscape scenario, causing the environmental impacts. The goal of this research is to apply specific questionnaire investigation, e.g. Delphi technique, and weight analytical method, e.g. analytic hierarchy process (AHP), to probe into impact factors induced by improper designing of the ecotourism in wetlands. The relevant weight of those impact factors should be analyzed to offer the suggestion for planning and executing ecotourism project in the future and avoiding unnecessary interference to the nature.
Keywords: Wetlands, Ecotourism, Environmental impact factors, Delphi technique, Analytic hierarchy process (AHP)