隨著經濟的發展以及民眾意識的改變,休閒已從早期較專屬於某些人的權利轉變成為一般民眾皆可參與的活動;在週休二日的政策驅使、媒體宣傳的輔助以及休閒意識的提升,旅遊活動已經逐漸成為最受歡迎的休閒方式。綜觀過去許多的研究報告,其主要的考量族群大多數鎖定在年輕族群,但這些調查的資料所能提供的模式、架構或是訊息並不一定完全適合於年長一輩的人(老人或是銀髮族),而此階層之人在未來勢必成為人口型態的重心,對於銀髮族在這樣議題上的相關解析應該是一項值得深入探討的議題。在本研究中,我們以台東地區的銀髮族(60歲以上的人口)為主要探討對象,透過相關的問卷設計與問卷調查分析,更清楚地解析台東地區的銀髮族群在這樣的議題上所呈現的意義性,可做為台東地區規劃銀髮族休閒活動的參考資訊。Due to the development of economy and the change for consumer consciousness, the recreational activities had turned into popular behavior for most people. Besides, the tow-day-off-per-week policy, the assistance in media and the raising of recreational consciousness, the travel have became gradually the most popular activity during the leisure issues. After reviewing the related references, the group of the young people will be primary group to be frequently studied. However, the models, framework and information derived from those studies can not be directly employed into the issue of the elderly travelers. The senior level will be formed the primary parts of population in the future. Hence, the analysis about elderly travelers will be worthy issue to be studied. The questionnaire survey method was used in this study and some suggestions will be derived from the samples of elders (over sixty years old) at Taitung area. It will be viewed as the referenced information for the activities planning to those elderly travelers at Taitung area