本研究探討老年居民對於老人公寓之整體生活品質滿意度,問卷結構以「生理健康」、「心理」、「社會關係」與「環境」四個範疇作為變數。結果指出除「環境」以外,崧鶴樓居民之「生理健康」、「心理」、「社會關係」均對「整體生活品質滿意度」有顯著的正向影響,其中以「生理健康」對「整體生活品質滿意度」的影響最大。除「性別」、「學歷」、「退休前之職業」、「居住於老人公寓之費用支付來源」、「子女狀況」、「婚姻狀況」以外,不同的「年齡」、「退休前每月個人所得」的居民在整體生活品質滿意度上均有顯著差異。選擇老人公寓的主要原因為「安全性」,對此崧鶴樓最滿意的項目也為「安全性」,而不滿意時之抱怨途徑為「向業者抱怨」。The main purpose of this study was to explore the satisfaction of “living quality” in retirement hotel. Four dimensions include “physical domain”, “psychological domain”, “social relationship”, and “environment” were employed to construct the questionnaire for measuring the overall satisfaction. Results indicated that all variables, except “environment”, demonstrate positive effects on the satisfaction of living quality. Among all, “physical domain” has the most significant effect on overall satisfaction. Significant differences on overall satisfaction were found on “age”, “average income prior to retirement.” The main reason for retirement hotel selection was “safety.” Results also indicated that residents were most satisfied with the features of safety of their retirement hotel. The main channel for express their complaints were toward facility supervisor directly.