Abstract: | 為整合水沙連大遊憩帶週邊遊憩資源以及提升新的景觀遊憩體驗,南投縣政府以日月潭國家風景區及九族文化村為創新核心區域,在低度的環境負載之下,利用休閒遊憩交通網絡建設,藉此串聯各地特色;除此之外,又考量整體規劃和利潤最大化,經過專家多方面評估,作出空中纜車路線的規劃。而本研究的動機在於國內目前對於纜車之相關研究並非多見,但事實上纜車的設置在國外已相當普遍,有鑒於「九族文化村連接至日月潭國家風景區之纜車」目前正處於積極規劃開發的階段,本研究特別把握在纜車尚未完成之前的時間點,對遊客搭乘纜車並同遊兩地議題加以探討分析,以目前現有之規劃成果及相關因素進行研究,希望可以得到客觀公正的結果,以期對纜車相關研究有所貢獻。 研究發現大多數的遊客對於興建九族文化村至日月潭國家風景區的纜車系統表示贊成,由此可知,遊客普遍能接受纜車興建,且有強烈的搭乘意願,對於遊客來說,服務設施與促銷活動對遊客搭乘纜車並同時旅遊兩地為重要的考量因素,而纜車系統之票價高低將會影響遊客搭乘的意願,所以興建纜車系統後,對於票價的制定不僅是要考慮成本問題還需考慮到遊客的接受程度,進而達成遊客搭乘纜車及同遊兩地,並帶動整個水沙連大遊憩帶的共生共榮。 In order to promote the tourism and peripheral tourism industries at the Sun Moon Lake area, improving and creating new scenery, entertainment and relaxation experiences, both the Sun Moon Lake National Scenic Area and the Formosan Aboriginal Cultural Village were appointed as core tourism areas. The construction of tourism orientated transportation networks under low environment impact was proposed, linking the unique characteristics of both areas; In addition to considering the overall plans of the areas and profit maximizing, professionals were recruited to review and help plan the route of this transportation network. Although very limited number of studies on cable cars and related subjects are available nationally, the use of cable car is fairly common abroad. Concerning the "Inter-Formosan Aboriginal Cultural Village and Sun Moon Lake National Scenic Area cable car line" which is currently in the planning and development stage, this research takes the advantage of the cable car’s pre-completion time slot to analyze and discuss the tourists’ views on the cable cars as a form of transport between the two places, and the use of the current planning results as well as related factors to conducts the research, hoping to obtain fair results, as well as contribute to cable car related researches. The research discovered majority of the tourist approve of the Inter-Formosan Aboriginal Cultural Village and Sun Moon Lake National Scenic Area cable car line, therefore, the tourist generally accept the construction of the cable cars, and are very willing to use such facilities, in the tourists view, the most influencing factors on their willingness to ride the cable cars are the views of the landscape provided by the height of the cable cars and also the safety of such cable car systems, the prices of the cable car tickets will also influence tourists’ will to ride them, therefore ticket pricing after the construction should not just focus on profit making, but also consider the affordability by the tourists to achieve efficient usage of the cable car as the main form of transport between the two places by the tourists, and promote mutualism to the tourism industries in the greater Sun Moon Lake area. Keywords: Cable cars, Formosan Aboriginal Cultural Village, Sun Moon Lake National Scenic Area, Tourism supplies. |