Abstract: | 石滬捕魚為一種古老的世界性漁撈活動,根據文獻的記載,石滬的出現最早為新石器時代。美加、澳洲、英格蘭、夏威夷、密克羅尼西亞、芬蘭等都有文獻;韓國、日本、琉球、台灣、菲律賓、泰國、玻里尼西亞、美拉尼西亞等太平洋諸島都有石滬分佈。就現有的文獻觀之,澎湖的石滬群可能為全世界密度最高,數量最多的潮間帶大型結構物,堪稱台灣最有潛力登錄為世界文化遺產的項目之一。澎湖的石滬推估已有250年的歷史,其發展有其歷史與保存的價值,但是相關的文化資產正逐年凋零。因此,以發展文化觀光的方式,保存澎湖石滬文化刻不容緩。
(一)市場區隔(Market Segmentation):石滬文化觀光所面臨的市場可劃分為靜態旅遊活動及動態旅遊活動,而石滬文化觀光是屬於較偏動態的休閒遊憩活動。而從事石滬文化觀光者,不論是小孩、大人、老人、親子家庭、情侶、夫妻…等皆能參與。
(二)目標市場( Market Targeting):將目標顧客群鎖定前來澎湖旅遊的觀光客,不論是小孩、大人、老人、親子家庭、情侶、夫妻…等。澎湖每年夏季為觀光客最多的季節,倘若把握充滿商機的夏季,不斷提升服務品質、服務態度、並能結合創意,滿足顧客需求,讓顧客在體驗文化觀光旅遊服務的同時有賓至如歸的感覺,優質的服務及體驗才能讓顧客回流。
(三)市場定位( Market Positioning):1.產品策略:針對不同族群設計出不同的菜單。顧客為家庭成員,可設計家庭親子同遊活動,例如:石滬抓魚體驗,年輕族群可設計較刺激、新鮮感的活動,例如:浮潛;2.定價策略:依照全票(大人)、半票(小孩)團體來訂價,採固定費用制,淡季另行調整;3.通路策略:可在澎湖本島及各島(望安、七美及吉貝)設立體驗區,讓想體驗石滬樂趣的民眾,澎湖菊島的石滬是獨一無二的;4.促銷策略:由於冬、夏季觀光旅遊的淡、旺季明顯對比,故冬季可採促銷優惠方案來吸引顧客上門。
Stone tidal weir is an ancient fishing activity around the world. According to literature, stone tidal weirs were found in the Neolithic Age, and distributed in North America, Australia, Hawaiian, Finland, Korea, Kyushu, Ryukyu, Taiwan, Philippine, Thailand, Polynesia, and Melanesia. Reviewing literature, Penghu may have the highest density of stone tidal weir in the world, and could have the most quantity of large structures in intertidal zone. Stone tidal weirs of Penghu are one of the most potential items in Taiwan to entry in universal cultural heritage. The estimation of stone tidal weir history in Penghu is 250 years. Respecting for the history of Penghu development, it shows tremendous value to protect. However, the stone tidal weirs of Penghu are withered year after year, consequently, the application of developing cultural tourism in preserving Penghu stone tidal weirs are urgent.
On December 24, 2004, the Council for Cultural Affairs, Executive Yuan afforded funds to establish the first civil cultural museum, the Jibei Stone Tidal Weir Cultural Museum. On April 30, 2005, Penghu National Scenic Area Administration coordinated the grand opening ceremony, traveling packages, and a serial of activities to promote stone tidal weirs cultural tourism in Penghu. In the meantime, the Executive Yuan awarded Golden Wheal Prize, Year of the Ocean 2005 to Penghu National Scenic Area Administration for its contributions. Also, in November, Cultural Bureau of Penghu County held a seminar to discuss the issue of stone tidal weirs. As mentioned above, the development of stone tidal weir cultural tourism in Penghu is on its great timing, and the discussion of stone tidal weir cultural tourism marketing strategy is the aim of this research.
The study applied participant observation and in-depth interview method to collect data. In addition, the study referred the Blue Ocean Strategy, STP, and SWOT to analyze the feasibility of developing stone tidal weirs cultural tourism in Penghu.
The finding of STP analysis identified that:
(1) Marketing Segmentation: Stone tidal weirs cultural tourism market is more dynamic tourism activities than static tourism activities, and fits for all ages.
(2) Market Targeting: The targeting customers focus on tourists in summer. To make tourists repeated, it shall provide tourists with prominent service, creativity, and satisfaction. In addition, thinking about how to let the tourists feel “home away from home” is essential.
(3) Marketing Positioning:
(i) Products strategy: package providing is based on family members.
(ii) Pricing strategy: providing adult and child ticket, and fixed price in peak season and adjusted in low season.
(iii) Distribution strategy: building stone tidal weirs around Penghu, easily accessibility for tourists to experience.
(iv) Promotion strategy: providing discount in low season to attract more tourists.
The finding of SWOT analysis revealed that:
(1) Strength: It suggests that provide tourists to experience stone tidal weir fishing activities and realize creatures in intertidal zone.
(2) Weakness: The weakness includes funds needed to protect and maintain stone tidal weirs. Besides, the strong monsoon, airplane tickets, and tidal range are negative impacts too.
(3) Opportunity: The rapidly demands on leisure activities, and countries attach importance to cultural tourism and ecotourism are the opportunities. Consequently, the development of stone tidal weir could be an opportunity to exhibit Penghu to the world. In addition, evaluation shows that promotion of stone tidal weir is special and worth.
(4) Threat: Without development tidal weir into local character, traditional fishing will replace it. Transportation expenditure and accessibility are threat too.
Based on the finding, the marketing strategies suggest that the development of stone tidal weir cultural tourism shall integrate inner strength-fishing culture and external opportunity-attention of leisure activities and cultural tourism. Furthermore, to diminish the inner weakness, the negative impact of monsoon and traffic expenditure, the strategies suggest that provide more options and lower price to tourists in off-season. Moreover, to avoid external threat, the strategies conclude that stone tidal weir cultural tourism shall emphasize its unique experience and creativity to attract public media. If doing so, it will show the value innovation and life long business running in Blue Ocean market |