女性的自助旅行在現代社會已蔚為風潮,然而,傳統對於女性總有著性別的刻板印象,認為女性適合的休閒活動是靜態的、柔和的,女性要參與自助旅行這類活動,通常會面臨到來自於傳統休閒性別刻板印象所產生的阻礙與限制。過去有研究指出,女性可從自助旅行中展現自由、獨立、自信、以及自主性,並會影響到日後的生活態度與觀念。而在另一方面,研究也指出,自助旅行者多半以女性未婚者居多。自助旅行是充滿自由選擇、自主性的活動;同時,也是需要擁有大量個人休閒時間的活動,這勢必與婚姻所帶來的家庭負荷增加、個人休閒時間減少有所衝突。同時,與女性自助旅行者顯著的自主性,也有著相當程度上的矛盾與衝突。本論文以質性研究方法訪談未婚自助旅行女性,企圖瞭解自主性在女性自助旅行者旅行與生活中所扮演的角色及對於婚姻態度之影響。研究顯示:1. 女性自助旅行者的自主性與自助旅行活動是相互影響與加乘的。2.喜好自助旅行的女性,對於婚姻抱持著順其自然的態度。期待能夠遇到尊重彼此生活空間的對象;反之,則選擇享受單身的自由及目前的生活。Due to the change of society, more and more women participate traveling in an independent way. Feminists indicates that independent travel had something related to women’s self-determination, independence, and confidence. Women who engages in this kind of activity could increase their sense of self-determination, and further help them to resist the traditional gender stereotype. Thus, this study propose to ask following questions: How do autonomy or self-determination work in their life before and after the travel? Is the sense of autonomy related to their decision of the choice in their marriage? In the study, the author interview 5 females who aged 25 to 35 ,unmarried ,and constantly engaged in independent travel, and attempt to discover those women’s experiences, feelings , values during and after travel,and expose their changes of self and the sense of autonomy they build through travel, and also values of life and marriage.