1980年代,臺灣地區總體經濟結構明顯快速改變,傳統產業之農業經營面臨轉型;另一方面,國民追求戶外休閒旅遊動機增強,休閒農業順勢而起。然而休閒農業絕非單純地在農村地區,以憑藉引進娛樂性質之遊憩設施,提供傭俗的聲光色彩活動,或過度投資為五星級餐旅設備等粗俗的作法。對於優質的休閒農業,係以農村地區豐富之自然與人文景緻為內涵,在農產經營的基礎下,發展出充滿田野的、原鄉的氣息,且寓教於樂之休閒農業;亦即,在接近大自然的休閒遊憩訴求中,將休閒活動的項目與過程,融合在農村地區特有之有形、無形、具體與抽象的景觀項目之中,形成具有精緻內涵的休閒活動。因此,優質的休閒農業內涵,必須由內至外的質量提昇,除了必要的硬體設備之更新、充足之外;對於農村地區自然優美景觀,以及人文傳統資產等軟體要求,更不可等閒視之。本文主張休閒農業可謂之一級產業升級為二、三級產業的具體表現,屬於戶外休閒遊憩項目之一,不僅對於農業經營與農村地區發展具有特殊意義,另一方面,亦提供國人進行戶外休閒旅遊選擇。由於農村地區為農業經營大本營,休閒農業以利用田園景觀、自然生態及環境資源,結合農林漁牧之生產、農業經營活動,與農村文化及農家生活,藉以作為提供國民進行休閒遊憩之機會。因此,農村地區發展的休閒遊憩產業,可為農村地區未來重點發展方向之一,且與一般旅遊業應有所區隔,其競爭優勢來自農村地區不可替代的景觀資源,亦即休閒農業的核心資源所在,與一般旅遊產業性質不同,值得吾人深入探究。對於農村景觀資源經營與利用,本文藉由個體面-經營者觀點與總體面-公部門的觀點進行分析。前者,分析農業內部與外部之景觀資源運用;後者,分析共同資源利用與負面景觀因子轉化利用課題。為驗證本文之論述,將以南投縣水里鄉新郡安新農業文化園區作為實證之個案,針對該園區之實地觀察結果,分析如何運用農村景觀資源作為休閒農業永續發展的利基。There existed a fast change on economic structure in Taiwan during 1980s. Owing to the agriculture sector reformation and the outdoors traveling motivation, the leisure agriculture had the advantage of opportunity in development. However the leisure agriculture not relies on shallow amusement or vulgar equipments. The article emphasizes that the high-grade leisure agriculture was composed of rural features. That is quality leisure agriculture shall base on natural phenomenon and humane heritage. Rural areas are the main and unique zone for the development of leisure agriculture. As the rural areas are plenty of diversified features which are very different from urban landscape, the diversified features are the key point for leisure agriculture. The rural features are ubiquitous and omnipresent including visible, invisible, concrete and abstract objects. And the diversiform features are very suitable and meaningful for leisure agriculture. Furthermore, rural features oriented leisure agriculture should be the segmented factor among the tourism industry. To sum up, the rural features are almost and practically the key fountain of the leisure agriculture.This article advocates that the leisure agriculture with the characteristic of secondary and tertiary industry. However, it should be based on the primary farming industry. And when it comes to farming industry, the common resources used is an inevitable issue. As the rural features always involved with public goods, so, it is a significant task to manage common resources via the macro and micro view. Finally, this article will investigate a case study at Nantou County.