在一般生活周遭有許多視覺障礙者,他們無法像健全的人們能夠暢行無阻,即使現今有白手杖與導盲犬來輔助視覺障礙者的生活,但對處於此生活的盲人來說,仍有許多不方便之處。擁有一個可以直接告知視覺障礙者前方危險物體是什麼的輔助系統,可以讓他們不受危險物的威脅。其想法是在嵌入式系統上實作出一個輔助設施,藉以判斷正在接近的物體是否為較具威脅性的樓梯、柱子或逼近物體等。因為手機的方便性、經濟性、體積小與具備照相與可發出立體聲之功能,所以在手機上實作此想法。在透過相機截取畫面與辨認前方的物體後,透過警示訊息,以語音直接告知使用者。希望藉由此系統能幫助使用者更方便於行。In our living, there are many visually impaired persons around us. They can not like the normal people who can be unhindered walking. Even though with White Canes and Guide Dogs, which can assist in their living, there still have many inconveniences. Having the system which can directly tell the visually disabled people what the front objects are can help them to avoid the dangerous objects. The idea is to make an implementation of constructing scenes by judging the larger threatening close objects like stairs, pillars, or moving objects on an embedded system to help the visually disabled people. Because a modern mobile phone is inexpensive, small, and easy to carry, the system is implemented on a mobile phone. This work implements a dangerous object detection system on a mobile phone with a camera and an audio device. Additionally, after detecting and identifying the dangerous objects according to the images captured by the camera, the mobile phone can make a warning message to notify the visually disabled people. With the proposed assistive vision system, visually disabled people can live much convenience and stay away from some dangers.