本研究以科技接受模式為基礎,整合?性?為??與社會認知??之相關構面,提出非同步網?英語學習系統使用意向之??模式,並以此模式?瞭解並驗證影響英語學習者使用非同步網?英語學習系統之重要因素,以及各影響因素間之因果關係。本計畫之主要研究目標包括: 1. 建?非同步網?英語學習系統使用意向之??模式。 2. 瞭解非同步網?英語學習系統在英語學習活動中影響學生接受之因素。 3. 提升本校英語學習課程之教學品質,有效提升本校學生英語聽、?、?、寫之能?。 本研究之相關研究成果將可使國內非同步網?英語學習系統之系統開發者及採用該系統之英語教師,對於學習者之使用意向及相關影響因素有充份瞭解。進而於開發、擴充系統功能,或設計具體課程內容時,得以強化正面影響因素,排除負面影響因子,藉以提高學習者的使用意向,期能透過網?科技之輔助,有效提昇其英語學習成效。In this study, an asynchronous web-based language learning (AWBLL) system is employed in a vocational-technical college in Taiwan to support undergraduate English as a foreign language (EFL) learning. Drawing on the concepts from theory of reasoned action, technology acceptance model and social cognitive theory, this study proposed a comprehensive model and developed an instrument for measuring students’ intentions to use AWBLL Systems. The research findings indicate that students in EFL show great readiness to and positive intentions towards the system for EFL courses and exposed a possible benefit from its use in the long run. However, they also convey some negative opinions of the AWBLL system, suggesting additional improvement of the relative underlying factors of AWBLL technology. The results can proffer useful suggestions for web-based language learning, as well as serve as instrumental guidelines for web-based system to be effectively implemented with care to avoid attenuating students’ interests and activations.