近幾年來數位學習在台灣日趨普及,目前許多教師採用網路教學來輔助授課,然而,網路 授課的形態差異很大,教師透過網路授課負擔不見得減輕,且教師在參與線上活動和學員互 動方式會受到平台功能或是時間的限制,使得學員只能單向的被動的透過平台公告得知課程 訊息。曾有研究指出,在複雜的網路學習環境中,學員希望能有位線上助教(e-tutor)從旁進行 協助指導,雖有學者已明確定義出e-tutor專業職能及對學員的學習成效有所影響,但並未進 行實證研究。本研究以某網路輔助教學課程為例,設定e-tutor的協助方式,並探討學生的個 人能力、網路大學平台e-learning使用結合e-tutor參與協助是否影響學生學習成效進行觀察。 研究結果顯示電腦基礎能力越好、e-learning 使用頻率越高的學生之整體學習成效越好,且 e-learning使用結合e-tutor的參與協助對學生的整體成效也較好。顯示電腦能力高的學員能自 己摸索平台、快速熟悉平台,也容易取得資源、教材,因此增加自身學習知識;使用e-learning 頻率越高、互動討論越頻繁的學生,能利用教材進行複習或將教師授課內容有疑問的地方發 問至e-learning平台,讓教師針對問題進行解答或進行討論,以更清楚瞭解課程內容。研究建 議;教師在開授網路課程時,應增設e-tutor,讓e-tutor 成為師生溝通的橋樑,並透過e-tutor 的實際參與及office hours和learning hours 等的補強來輔導協助學生,以提昇學生的整體學習 成效。 關鍵字:數位學習、e-tutor、學習成效 Abstract In the past years, e-learning is bumped into a pedagogy main stream in many countries like Australia, Canada and American. Almost 80% more schools provide learning courses through internet in USA. The Education Department also promotes the new learning way very enthusiastically in Taiwan. No matters in formally education environment from elementary school to college education or in corporate training programs, teaching through internet are more popular than ever. The learners can study anytime and anywhere, synchronize or asynchronies. The related pedagogy theories are proposed by researchers. 2 Most instructors are playing both roles as courseware designer and content provider in Taiwan. However, the instructors are not only teaching one course. One could spend too much time in managing a course and producing teaching materials. Teachers did not save effort through internet learning. They may fear the burdens and reject to involve in e-learning. The best strategy is finding a better way to alleviate the load and strengthen the teaching effectiveness. Some researchers proposed e-tutor as a teacher and learner assistant in online learning. However, the e-tutor is not well defined in position and role playing. In our research, we try to (1) realize what assistance teachers and learners might need in an e-learning environment. Construct education theory framework and operation definition with e-tutor (2) experiment designs an e-learning platform with e-tutor and (3) verify the relation between e-tutor involvement and student learning performance. Reconstruct the education theory with e-tutor to effectively promote the learning performance.