本研究旨在改變傳統的教學方法以期提高學習動機,透過TARGET 模式與建模教學將統計的教學趨於簡單化與生活化,並且在學習過程當中,將學習的主權落於學生身上。本研究擬「相關與迴歸」為主題,進行課程設計並融入於課堂教學中,以期達到引起學習動機自發性學習為目的,未來可做為未來教師教學上的參考。 The main purposes of this study are to enhance the traditional teaching method of statistics with TARGET model and mathematical modeling to improve learners’ learning motivation, to simplify the teaching material, to let the teaching material more adaptation, and to transfer more rights from instructor to learners in the learning process. This study regards correlation analysis and regression analysis as the main theme. We designed a class module which can be incorporated into the classroom instruction to improve learners’ learning motivation. In the future, we hope this class module can be considered as a reference of teaching statistics.