中文摘要 法律人研究民事責任或訴訟程序時,通常純以法律的觀點出發,然若能以風險管理觀點切入,則可透過風險管理程序及步驟,確認法律風險、評估法律風險、做出法律風險決策、執行法律風險管理、考核風險管理成效及檢討;必能達到預防、滅低法律風險之目的,而擴展法律問題解決之深度與廣度。 本文透過研討最高法院九十六年度台上字第六號民事判決,確認該事件當事人之法律風險及其法律風險管理步驟,試行探討以法律風險管理之理論解決民事爭議之可行性。 英文摘要 When discussing civil responsibility or civil procedure, lawyers usually view it purely from a legal perspective. However, taking from a risk management viewpoint, they are able to identify and estimate legal risks, establish and implement a policy for legal risk management, and evaluate its effect through a set of risk management procedure. By doing so, they could prevent and reduce the legal risks, while deepen and broaden the solutions for legal dispute. In this article, by analyzing the legal risks and risk management procedure in the Supreme Court 96 No. 6 Civil Verdict, the author discusses the possibility of applying the theory of risk management to solve civil dispute.