Under the influence of Postmodern thinking style, what is its tacit speech system or what a new vision postmodernism has created for modern arts? “Postmodernism” is involved in a perception and attitude which mostly exist within the value and taboo system. As Foucault stated, it is a self-evident way of understanding, which is powerful because it is accepted by the public. With regards to the term “myth”, this paper refers it to a certain type of molded “truth”, which is the common sense being presented as
“Natural Law” mentioned by Barth. This paper focuses on “Have You Eaten Yet? 2007 Asian Art Biennial” as its main discussion object. It discusses the dialectical relationship
between the concepts of “postmodernism”, “Asia” and “art” and analyzes “Me” that hides
in these concepts which is not easily replaceable and highly distrusted.
後現代思潮下,何者是其隱而不宣的言說系統,又或者,後現代為當代藝術開闢了怎樣的新視野。「後現代」在此涉及的是一種看法和態度,大都現身在價值、禁忌系統內,如傅柯所言,是某種不言自名的認識方法,這種認識法之所以有權力,在於這樣的論述被大眾接受;關於「神話」一詞,本文用以意指某種塑造的「事實」,這即巴特所指的被包裝成「自然法則」的常識。本文以「食飽未」2007 亞洲藝術雙年展為主要論述對象,藉由此展來談「後現代」、「亞洲」與「藝術」觀念間的辯證關係,論及隱身其中,難以被取代又極度不被信任的「我」。