Language will die. A lot of language died all around the world in the past and the future. Just like culture has its rule to maintain or decline. Susan Blackmore enlarges Richard Dawkins Concept of Meme and takes as “the new science of sociobiology was being established – studying the genetic and evolutionary basis of behavior.”(Susan
Blackmore, 1999). If we take Memetics as a new theory for interpreting cultural evolution,Memes, as invented to suggest a strong analogy with genes, are ideas that spread through human cultures and across the generation and build its own rule like gene did. The basic foundation, or the origin, of Meme is beginning form language. This does mean that the culture evolution is relation with the basic element – Meme, and concreted competition condition is depending on language. At globalization situation, Memes benefit the development of global language, at the same time, the killer of local language. From
Meme point of view, replicating and transmitting are the hard core of language,as the competition power of language. The new angle, the law of speech spread and language replication is the foundation of language globalization. From that point, Y.R. Chao’s theory of Chinese symbolic system is a way to refractive Chinese language.
語言會死亡,世界上有許多語言死亡於過去也將死亡於未來,就像文化有它存續與衰頹的規則一般。,Susan Blackmore 擴大Richard Dawkins 的傳因(Memes)概念,並視之為新建立的生物社會學—亦即,對行為的演化基礎與基因的研究科學,(Susan Blackmore, 1999),若將傳因論(Memetics)視為解釋文化演化的新理論,那麼,被強烈類比於基因所發明的傳因,就是透過人類文化散播,並像基因的作為一樣,能跨越世代並建立自己的規則。這傳因的基礎,或說是它的起源,就源自語言,這意義著實地說出文化演化的相關基礎原素是傳因,其具體競爭則是語言。在全球化情境中,傳因有利於全球化語言的發展;同時,也是地方語言的殺手。從傳因的觀點看,語言的核心就是複製與傳遞,也是語言競爭的力量。這個新角度,語言全球化的基礎就是言語的散播與語言的複製,從此觀點看,趙元任漢語符號系統的理論是一條反思漢語的方法。