目前以高壓水銀燈或氣體雷射為光源的視網膜電圖(Flash ERG)實驗量測設備宜予以輕薄短小化。就光源而言,希望能發展出各種色光同軸及程式化控制以具備發射到視網膜特定區域之功能,因而擴大臨床醫學界使用ERG 之動機。爰就8*8 點矩陣式發光二極體(LED)作初步應用並作成評估。
To expand diversities of the light source system for flash electroretinography (Flash ERG) for visual research and ophthalmological examinations, we have employed techniques of microprocessor control to the newly developed light emitted diode (LED) arrays as the illumination source. By incorporating 8051 chip set system to a 8*8 point LED array assembly, and with a biosignal analyzer connected to a personal computer , we have assembled a Flash ERG prototype instrument for clinical studies.