本研究發現: 0-3歲蒙特梭利教具/材組織排列非常明確、易切入現場;『精鍊』敏感期一辭產出來詮釋與3-6歲幼兒感官發展的區別;用“儲存能量”一辭來舒緩要求立即學習效果的台灣家長;統整暨發展IMME 系統來詮釋0-3歲蒙特梭利課程模式原鄉化的課程。參予蒙氏教學模式原鄉化教學之策劃,經過了(1)形成階段(2004年~2005年第ㄧ年)發現借幼稚園的硬體資源力量使托嬰中心縮短了籌設時間;園所往下發展以校內小班師資為優先人選,關鍵在教學顧問與班導師的「默契」。2)實施階段(2005~2007年第二、三年):深耕親職教育的推廣;教學顧問進入班級觀察能直接與班導師討論加速穩定班級經營;重視衛生實踐一人一套教具必須開始與台灣仿製教玩具廠商商談教玩具尺寸的改良。(3)永續階段(2007年至目前):雛型已建立因此工作銜接問題減少,家長認同度提升,2008年已由托兒所附設扥嬰中心計畫改為單一化經營托嬰中心,欲增加2歲以下合法招生人數核定人數。
In order to solve the difficult recruitment problem caused by decreasingly birthrate and also to promote the quality of professional teaching program, the owner of the kindergarten established a infant care center next to the kindergarten. One great trait of the kindergarten is to develop their own bilingual teaching materials called IMME system depending on a scaffold of Montessori Teaching Method. The purpose of case study using participant observation method was to describe the localization process of Montessori Teaching Method for age 0-3 in infant care center of Taiwan. The purpose of this study was to investigate the process went through the founding stage, the executing stage, and the sustained stage for four years. The conclusions of this study can be included as fellows: 1. In the first year, by using on kindergarten resource, the time of the preparatory work was shorten. 2. About Infant assistants, it is better to choose from the kindergarten teachers who had been teaching age 3or 4 class, rather than recruiting from outside. The key was whether infant assistants toward teaching coach or school has “a tacit understanding” and “trust the school” or not. 3.For settling the baby classes there are three things happened: to popularize parents education, to let teaching coach stayed at class, and to exchange view with teaching aids maker. 4.A regular pattern were getting firm. 5.The infant care center owner planned to increase the legal number of baby under age2. According to the above conclusions, some suggestions are provided for kindergarten owner, a toy factory owner, infant assistant and government.