本研究之目的在以電腦動態影像及動畫協助學習障礙學生解英文算術金錢應用文字題,以及協助學障生認識英文算術文字題中的英文關鍵單字。本研究分為兩階段:第一階段採用之研究設計為希臘拉丁方格設計,第二階段採用之研究方法為為單一受試研究法中的跨受試多試探A-B-A’設計。主要研究結果有:(1)學障生生在以動態影像及動畫呈現之算術應用題得分高於中文及英文算術文字題。動態影像及動畫能超越文字的鴻溝,適合學障生學習管道。(2)在情意態度方面,大部分學障學生樣本對動態影像及動畫有正面的看法,希望老師能常用影片及動畫輔助教學。(3)以動態影像及動畫輔助英文算術文字題之教學成效,在題數8題情況下,基線期答對題數在0至1題之間,維持期進步到6至8題之間。(4)以動態影像及動畫輔助認識英文算術文字題中的英文關鍵字,在題數8題情況下,前測答對題數在0至1題之間,後測進步到6至8題之間。 The purpose of this study is using computer video and animation to help students with learning disability solving arithmetic word problems of money use. The research designs include two phases: the first phase using Greco-Latin design and the second phase using a multiple baseline across subjects A-B-A’design. The participants are 11 students with learning disability: 8 for the first phase and 3 for the second phase. The major findings are:(1)Students score higher in video and animation presentation of arithmetic word problems than in Chinese and English. Video and animation can bridge the gap of words and suit the learning style of students with LD. (2)Most students with LD have positive attitude toward video and animation, and hope teachers can often use them in their teaching. (3) During the baseline phase, their scores in word problems solving are from 0 to 1. One week after the treatment of video and animation, their scores are from 6 to 8, indicating the students retain most of the problem solving skill. (4) In recognizing English.