A new sxt of sensing strategies for monitoring three-dimensional (3-11) moviq objects by computer vision is proposed. Here 3-D object surface points are selected as the features for nmnitoring 3-0 moving objects because the point features are easy to detect, extract. stow, and manipulate. It is proved that the minimum measurable feature point set for monitoring a 3-D moving convex polyhedral object is just the set containing all the junction points d the object. Based on the sampling theorem a d sevenl properties of photogrammetry, it is proved that the minimum data .rquisil:ion rate of a vision system monitoring 3-D moving objects can be determined with discretely sampled hvo-dimensional image sequence data only. Certain properties of orthographic projection useful for determining the minimum number y, of sensors needed to monitor 3-D moving convex polyhedral objects are investigated, and the bounds on N, are rho M v e d . Finailly, an algorithm for determining N, and the corresponding directions a I the sensors is proposed. “he feasibility of the pmposed algorithm is shown by three illustrative examples and an application example.
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics SMC-19 (4): 872-880