Through Moodle of Internet course of PHP MySQL database, this study is to build primary school online information education test system and estimate a real time children basic ability at information compentence in primary school.Upon completion of online examining, the children will review their answer whether if correct or not. If the children made mistake, they are going to remedy it immediately and got correct answer. By using index of learning style created by Barbara A. Soloman, we can drivded it into (four) areas: information, perception, importation, and apprehension. Based on (four) areas of learning style we can divide into 8 types to research different learning style for children have excellent expression, and understand it was effective for children through system of education on line test. This research is based on the fifth and the sixth graders computer class. The purpose of this research are: 1. Building the system of education online test. 2. Building the system of education online remedial teaching. 3. Building the questionaire of studing system. In order to understand the effect of students’ different studying style on the online test. The tools of research including “the fifth and sixth grades computer class teaching materials and the questions in a test”, “the studying style survey of Barbara A.Soloman” , “sudents questionaire survey” and the researcher’s invented “the system of education online remedial teaching”. The information was analyzed, the results of all this research are: 1. The online tests promote effectively students’ studying effect. 2. The online remedial teaching can promoto students’ studying effect. 3. According to students of different learing style researching and inventing different teaching materials is worthy to study.