The wholly purpose of this research is to develop a convenient conceptual diagnosis evaluation system as well as analyzing LFT and ILFT similar discriminations. For this purpose, I provide the students a tool to develop a better discriminated conceptual quantitative program, I hope that the findings will give other teachers and researchers the reference to supplement their teachings. Because the studies of LFT and ILFT are both only a few in TAIWAN, then I designed a computer program and take the study of similarity discrimination of LFT and ILFT as top priority. The well-discriminated system will be concept mapped as a reference to teachers’ evaluations. The conclusion:ILFT proves to be more positive discrimination oriented and a better reference between the improvement of quantitative conceptual mapping and conceptual mapping. This research suggest the other fields of teaching can also use the application of ILFT knowledge structure as a basic analysis tool, a reference to the remedy teaching an editing of teaching materials and the learning differentials. A follow-up of this research is recommended.