Due to the PC popularized and the performance improved, then the network bandwidth increased day after day, the distributed computing is valued gradually. Problems need high computing power originally, but now they don’t only depend on Super Computers or other high computing power machine. Distributed computing is using low cost PC with network of high bandwidth, providing low cost and high computing power to coordinate processing problems. The goal of this paper is building a easy using distributed computing and data sharing platform. Our purpose is in order to solving a problem of distributing computing: a distributing computing program just designed to solve a problem, in the other word, there isn’t a environment to provide a distributed computing power, let a single executing problem become a distributed executing problem. Even though now having some high all-purpose middleware which provide distributed computing: like PVM (Parallel Virtual Machine), MPI (Message Passing Interface). But user still aim at different problems to develop needed programs by middleware providing functions and libraries. So our research is want to building a reliable and convenient using integrated distributed computing and data sharing platform for some programs that already developed and hope to become distributed computing.