As time going on, our government endeavored to administration improvement due to people?s anticipate and request increasingly. And it also borrow the idea of ?Total Quality Management? and ?Customs First? from enterprise for proceeding organization rebuilt and promote it?s quality of serve. Police unit is a part of government, so it can not has its own ways. Since commander Shi, Yuan-Cheng arrive his position in Taitung County Police Bureau, he lead the method of enterprise ?Total Quality Management (TQM)? and ?Quality Control Circle(QCC)?into Taitung County Police Bureau for improve the serve quality of police administration, four years passed, the bureau has won many rewards and affirmative commendation from government and communities. For the reasons of surely realize people?s needed of serve quality of the bureau and priority in police affair, this study use the theory of PZB (Parasuraman, Zeithaml & Berry, 1985) and SERVQUAL scale for reification the modus of quality measure, and also lead into Quality Function Deployment (QFD) for the purpose of transform people?s needed into quality technique which might offering some strategy for the bureau to improve themselves. The major conclusion of this study is flowing: III 1. Reification the modus of quality measure of police bureau. 2. To realize people?s needed of serve quality of the bureau, diversity of understanding and urgently needed of serve. 3. To offer specific suggestion of serve?s quality and technique for the bureau.