Our study was designed to understand the relationship between the health concepts, leisure life styles and degree of obesity of obesity patients. Our study is a quantitative study. The study objects are the obesity patients visiting the family medicine outpatient department in China Medical University Hospital. The data was collected through questionnaires. Many researchers have pointed out that leisure life styles have significant effect on personal health. Our study mainly focuses on the relationship between the health concepts, leisure life styles and degree of obesity. As a result, sex, age, waistline and commuting time have significance with degree of obesity. In our study, we can find that waistline increases with degree of obesity and degree of obesity increases with commuting time. In the analysis of health concepts, the more obese one is, the less health concepts he has. In the analysis of leisure life styles, the more interest in internet or social intercourse, the more obesity one becomes. To be concluded, obesity patients should take more outdoor activities to reduce their weight and complications. They should understand the reasons why they became obese and face the music. Then they can get positive support in medical aspects to achieve healthy weight control through changing of life styles.