Recently, renewable energy issues have received international attentions in many nations. Converting the potential energy of environment into electricity has become an integral part of self-powered system. Therefore, the transformations between the vibration energy and electrical energy are set as the key topics in research issues among the national laboratories all over the world. There are many theoretical mechanisms for the vibration energy to be converted into the electrical energy, but the piezoelectric effect is the best candidate for the conversion of generators. Because piezoelectric material posses a number of benefits such as high electromechanical coupling effect, good quality factor, and devices miniaturized by semiconductor manufacturing processes and integrated circuits, etc., therefore it has become a material of choice for the conversion between the mechanical energy and electrical energy. A piezoelectric cymbal transducer is the top component chosen for a piezoelectric generator due to high effective piezoelectric coefficient, high output power, an excellent high hydrostatic pressure , high-displacement, high acceleration sensitivity and light weight, etc., The research topics is 『Development of Cymbal Type Pieoelectric Transducer and Implementation on Power Floor for Energy Harvesting』, which is expectedly implemented in two years: First year: Development and analysis of a high-performance cymbal piezoelectric transducer. Second year: Integration of the mechanical structure of a Piezoelectric power floor and an electronic circuit system for Energy Harvesting .