Abstract: | 本研究計劃的目的是在兩階段條件化的架構下,觀察不同的工作記憶能力者在條件式推理論證上的差異表現,De Neys, Schaeken, & d’Ydewalle (2005a, b)以心理模型論為基礎認為工作記憶能力與提取反例的能力有關,工作記憶能力高者比低者較能提取alternatives而拒絕DA和AC推理,且能抑制disablers的提取而做出MP和MT推理。 本計畫依據Liu(2003)的論點,將條件式推理視為連續兩階段條件化的結果,第一階段的條件化中,結論是在直言式前提(categorical premise)上被條件化,這可透過減化式問題予以測量。如果第一階段條件化的結果與條件句有關,則繼續進行第二階段的條件化,即將第一階段條件化的結果(如MP中是“q given p”)在條件句前提上做條件化,測量上可利用完整式問題和減化式問題的機率評估差異,得到第二階段的條件化結果。 因此,本計畫從兩階段條件化的觀點重新檢視De Neys等人(2005a,b)的結果,所進行的實驗包括兩項作業,一是工作記憶能力的測驗,另一是條件式推理作業,後者中藉由減化式問題和完整式問題的操弄,瞭解不同的工作記憶能力者之差異在兩階段條件化歷程中如何展現。
The main purpose of this program lies in observing the reasoners who’s differential capacity of working memory will cause the performances during conditional reasoning distinctively within the account of two-stage conditionalization. The research of De Neys, Schaeken, & d'Ydewalle (2005a, b) is based on mental model theory. They assume the capacity of working memory is related to the retrieval of counterexamples. The reasoners with high capacity of working memory could rejected the logically invalid AC and DA inferences to a greater extent than low capacity, otherwise high capacity accepted the logically valid MP and MT inferences more frequently than low capacity. The results was due to the reasoners with high capacity of working memory could promote the retrieval of alternatives easily in logically invalid AC and DA inferences, and could inhibit the disablers activation when the disablers conflicts with the logical valid MP and MT inferences. This program is according to Liu’s (2003) accounts, he assumed reasoners would compute the probability of the conclusion, conditionalizing first on the categorical premise, and conditionalizing then on the conditional-statement premise during conditional reasoning. The former was the first stage conditionalization, represented the knowledge-based component, and could be measured by the probabilistic ratings of reduced problems; the later was the second stage conditionalization, represented the assumption-based component, and could be measured by the probabilistic ratings of complete problem minus reduced problem. This program will review the results of De Neys et al. (2005a, b) with two stage conditionalization account. The experiment of this program will include executing two tasks, one is divided different capacity of working memory, and the other is conditional reasoning task. In the later task, this program will manipulate a variable including reduced and complete problems. This manipulation will contribute to understanding how to show the performances of the reasoners of different capacity of working memory in the two-stage conditionalization precesses. |