Purpose To construct a wholesome and measurable safety indexes and dimensions for the residents as a basis for long term care Institution to evaluate the quality and safety of the residents.
Method The researched objects are the Practitioner of the long term care Institution. The study methods, Delphi method and Focus group method, are used to develop the safety index for the residents and to analyze the method, suitability and difficulty of the index.
Result The order of the important aspects for the safety of the residents: pressure ulcer, staff, nutrition, falling, infection, restriction and communication. The measure suitability of indexes and difficulty of dimension for the above aspects are as follows : The pressure ulcer aspect focuses on the pressure ulcer assessment of the residents and ratio of the residents who catch pressure ulcer. The staff aspect focuses on the organization manpower condition and ratio of nursing staff and resident. The nutrition aspect focuses on the nutrition monitoring and record of changing weight for each resident. The falling aspect focuses on the falling situation of the residents and ratio of falling among the residents. The infection aspect focuses on the infection assessment of the residents and ratio of infection occurred among the residents. The restriction aspect focuses on the restraint assessment of the residents and analyzing the reasons of restriction of the residents. The communication aspect focuses on the between the staff mutually links up and between the staff passes on to the next shift the record.
Conclusion and Suggestion According to the research result, all the researched objects possess a positive attitude toward the development of the safety index of the residents; in addition, they also agree on the significance on this research project for establishing an index for the resident’ s safety. They also suggested that this index for resident’s safety should be distinct from the index of service quality. As the result of further analysis, the institution believes that an index which is easier to collect and measure would be the most applicable. Therefore, the government should value and manipulate the index for the resident’ s safety. Also, the institution should start the measuring work for making the index practical and effective to the theme of the resident’ s safety.
Key word:Safety for the residents, Safety index, Safety dimension,
Long term care institution