Purpose of the study: The objective of this study was to review the major nursing home quality evaluation systems in the US in order for us to learn from their experiences and then to develop a system of our own according to our own culture.
Design and Methods: Based on the principles and practices of “evidenced based research”, this study conducted searching, screening, analysis and evaluation of literature on quality evaluation of nursing home care in the US published during the period of 1985-2007.
Results: Results showed that the US has a very diverse nursing home care system. There is a set Federal nursing home care rules and regulations for all states but there are also state and local rules and regulations governing nursing home care operations. In Taiwan there is a set of rules and regulations for the entire country. The US has the mandatory requirement for filing the Minimum Data Set (MDS)for each nursing home resident. No such requirement in Taiwan. The U.S. has the Online Survey, Certification, and Reporting System (OSCAR) that collects data during annual certification surveys by the state or their contractors. Taiwan has a similar system. The US has a nursing care quality evaluation form, Quality Indicators of Nursing Home Care Quality (OIQ) for the public to use. Taiwan has a check-list created by the Long-term Care Professional Association.
Conclusion: Despite cultural differences, Taiwan can benefit from the experience of the US in nursing home care quality control and evaluation. A system similar to MDS would probably be very useful. However, it must be pointed out that Taiwan must design its own system based on its own cultural and healthcare system. How the nursing care system is integrated with the national health insurance system is also an important issue that it will have a great impact on the quality of nursing home care in Taiwan. Further studies are obviously needed on this important issue.