"This research purpose was to explore industry
cluster alternative factors, cluster formatting factors, cluster
effect factors, and correlation of cluster alternative dimensions
with cluster formation dimensions, and correlation of industry
cluster formatting dimensions and industry cluster effect
dimensions. This research utilizes Taiwan precision machinery
industry for a case study. The methodology is through experts
method, factor examination, to explore the industry cluster
alternative factors, cluster formation factors, and cluster effect
factors; Utilizing canonical correlation analysis of the
multiple-regression analysis explores correlation of industry
cluster alternative dimensions with cluster formation dimensions,
and correlation of cluster formation domain with cluster effect
domain. The result was discovered: industry cluster alternative
dimensions and industry cluster formatting dimensions have
significant correlation. The higher the selectivity of industry
cluster alternative will have the higher clusters formatting.
Industry cluster formatting dimensions and industry cluster
effect dimensions have significant correlation. The higher the
selectivity of industry clusters formatting will have the higher
clusters effect."
PICMET: Portland International Center for Management of Engineering and Technology, Proceedings